Coaching Styles

What is that enables clients to reach their goals? Realistic goals, effective programming, regular reviews and the adherence of the individual are probably top of the list, but what about your coaching style?
It could be argued that a coach with limited resources, but the right enthusiasm, programming and knowledge can provide a more effective session than the coach with the biggest range of resources but limited interaction and effectiveness in his own coaching practice. Imagine simply using a demonstration with no explanation and no feedback or just talking through an exercise without showing them what you mean. Try having your clients close their eyes and ask them to get into and hold a particular stretch. Was it easy? Or did you have to really break it down? That’s comparable to a novice or inexperienced gym user.
Don’t get caught up on gimics, fancy equipment and exercises. If you have the fundamentals right and can keep your clients motivated throughout a session and their program as a whole, then you will see results. Ensure that you are explaining and demonstrating exercises correctly as you expect your client(s) to do them, your client may not have done this before and what you think is obvious, may not be so to your client. Explain what you are doing to your client and pay attention, giving them corrections, adaptions etc when needed. It sounds obvious but to many, especially those new to the industry who feel they have to prove their knowledge, we can over complicate our explanations of an exercise
If you have a client who asks a lot of questions it may seem annoying but they are showing a willingness to learn and work towards their goal. Ensure that your clients feel like they can come to you to ask questions this enables you to create a relationship of trust which will only help your clients as they progress through their program